Thursday, February 21, 2013

Been away from this for a while...

Had an awesome visit with my sister last week! We really miss each other. There is nothing like hanging out with your family that you spent your childhood with. The kids got to bond with her and I was able to help her get some ideas together to change her lifestyle! She sounded very inspired and ready for change! Go sister :)!!

ALSO......I have taken multiple opportunities over the last week to eat processed foods!! I know! How sad but chocolate had been a close friend and also white cheddar popcorn! SMH...But I am done now. The weight keeps coming off so I need to conscious of that and not be doing things that will totally negate my goals. Also I committed to a whole foods challenge and need to stay focused. I wasn't hard on myself and throughly enjoyed each and every bite. My body has responded well and I am not worried about it. But going more.

We haven't been doing any new recipes here recently. We did make a lot of food for my sister but I focused on things that she could take home with her. Mostly I showed her how to incorporate more veggies into each meal.

We did have some amazing results while she was here! The first day she had a pretty serious breakout on her face. I have never seen her with such a bad breakout and told her lets see if we can get rid of this this week!

Here is a pic of her face on day 1

Here is day 3

I did not take another one before she left but it was totally gone by day 5 or so! She said she was eating A LOT of sugar recently. During her week here, the 1st 3 days she had no processed sugar. She did end up getting a few Starbuck coffees while she was here to help with withdrawal symptoms, but it was very minimal. And it worked! Her face totally cleared in less than a week! What exciting results!

Here are a few other pictures from our week. We went to Casa Grande and visited the National Monument Casa Grande. It is an example of the cliff dwellings of the American southwest. We have been to many and wanted to show my sister the beauty.

We also went to South Mountain in Phoenix and witnessed a beautiful sun shift (aka sunset). We also did a little hiking in the mountain. It was a beautiful afternoon up there!

I also had to take back my size 4s! but for more size 4s! lol I bought 2 pairs that were a fit that was already a little too big and the weight is just falling off so I had to go get a trimmer fit! It is very exciting! I am almost totally back to pre-baby me :) And it feels good! It took some time but it is happening!

I will post some new info in the following days that will help you stay on track with your challenge!


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