Saturday, February 23, 2013

And I have some pretty good results! I posted a picture of myself, hesitantly, a little over a month ago, of my midsection, which has been the main problem area for me since giving birth. I think many mothers would claim the same thing. It seems like after you give birth, your abdomen just does not want to work with you and wants to hold onto weight until the last minutes!

Well it seems I have approached my last minutes...

Here is my before photo taken and posted a little over a month ago...

Man I look super rough! lol

Here is today!!...

The 1st picture was pretty difficult to post! But now I am so happy I did because now I can show the results of whole foods eating!

And I have not been running the last 3 weeks because of pain in my shins. I am going to try again after 1 more week off, but this loss is almost totally based on my diet! And the last 10 pounds or so are infamously the most difficult!

How can whole foods eating change your body and your life??

How can I help you change your body and your life??

I am creating an opportunity that I can help people with more focus to lose and re-learn the habits of a healthy lifestyle! I will post information in the following weeks.

LOVE and Happy Saturday!

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